Blood Donors
Charity foundation "Gift of Life" helps children suffering from various forms of cancer, serious blood disorders and some other life-threatening diseases. The foundation was created in 2006, by Russian movie and theatre stars Dina Korzun and Chulpan Khamatova. Gift of Life UK-based charity founded in 2011 and US-based in 2015.
First Campaign
To Busy To Become a Donor?
Challenge: To attract new blood donors. Insight: "I could be a donor, but I always have more important thing to do". Solution: Sarcastic image of insolvency of those excuses people usually justify their inaction.
Second Campaign
Brief: Each drop of donor's blood can be critical in the fight for the life. Solution: dramatise the problem and show that instead of full stop that means the end of life, there can be a comma or dots to say that the life will continue.